
The Letters of John and Jude is unavailable, but you can change that!

The letters of John and Jude deal with heretical teachings within the early Church. In 1 John the problem was Gnosticism—a view that the material world is evil—and according to Barclay, a view that still infects the thinking of some of today's Christians. Second and 3 John contain warnings against visiting preachers who taught false doctrines and against other individuals who attacked the...

The God who revealed himself was a holy God, and his holiness brought the obligation to every worshipper to be holy too. In his commentary on the Johannine Epistles, A. E. Brooke says: ‘John can conceive of no real knowledge of God which does not issue in obedience.’ Knowledge of God can be proved only by obedience to God; and knowledge of God can be gained only by obedience to God. The biblical scholar C. H. Dodd says: ‘To know God is to experience his love in Christ, and to return that love in
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